Tips, thoughts and the latest happenings in broadcast PR and general PR. The Shout! Communications’ blog keeps our followers up-to-date about what’s happening on television, online and on radio.

B-roll. You may have heard it mentioned, but if pressed can you really explain what it is? And more importantly – why you should care? Well, you should care because B-roll might just be the thing that clinches coverage for your story on TV and online, and makes you popular with broadcasters. Now you’re interested right? Read on to find out what B-roll is and how you can use it to your advantage.

Working as a broadcast journalist means working pretty closely with PRs and comms professionals, and while some are allies helping you to deliver the best stories to your audience, others can be more of a hindrance, and they tend to give everyone else a bad rep. So if broadcast PR is going to be part of your next campaign, avoid saying any of the following and it should help you to maximise coverage.

Often to make a good video, you simply need a good story. But if you’re not satisfied with just a great narrative (or maybe you don’t have one!) then some of the current video production trends out there could give your video the boost it needs to be watched and shared by your target audience.

We’ve all seen them, and most probably all shared them. Over the last 10 years or so, viral videos have taken the Internet by storm. With over 700 videos shared on Twitter each minute, and 500 years of YouTube videos watched every day on Facebook, viral videos continue to amass millions of views at an incredibly fast rate.