Tips, thoughts and the latest happenings in broadcast PR and general PR.   The Shout! Communications’ blog keeps our followers up-to-date about what’s happening on television, online and on radio.

16. Nov 2017

Three fantastic speakers from broadcast news, a load of great insights and a room full of PR and communications professionals…

7. Nov 2017

As a videographer, I get involved in every stage of a video production. Nothing excites me more than editing together footage that we have spent so long preparing for and filming!

4. Jul 2017

Last week Shout! Communications hosted another ‘Big Talk’ event with our latest insightful speakers, who took the stage to give their take on the changing landscapes of broadcast. First up was Tim Cunningham, Executive Producer of The Wright Stuff on Channel 5.

23. May 2017

There’s always been a strange kind of love/hate relationship between PRs and journalists. I’ll admit, when I worked in radio as a newsreader and reporter, I always thought it was a tad annoying when PRs would call up and flood my inbox with emails.

16. May 2017

Whether retired or still in action, sports stars typically have an untouchable aura of credibility, and indeed even perfection, surrounding them. In many people’s eyes, they’re idols who can do no wrong – a very powerful tool when it comes to advertising.

27. Sep 2016

Engaging relevant audiences, driving interest and influencing key stakeholders, these are just some of the benefits of live streaming as part of a broadcast PR campaign.

20. Sep 2016

Shout! Communications recently held a Small Talk with BBC Radio 2 sports presenter and reporter, Matt Williams.

6. Sep 2016

Shout! played host to a wonderfully insightful Small Talk with BBC Business Editor at Radio 4 & BBC Digital, Simon Hamer.

radio PR
30. Aug 2016

Radio interviews are often hard won but they offer the most fantastic coverage in return once they’re clinched.