Blog Post

Including Broadcast in a New Business Proposal

It is often seen as the icing on the cake or an expensive add-on, but including broadcast PR in a new business proposal isn’t as challenging as you might think. If you’re not considering radio and TV you’re missing out on a far reaching, influential media. An opportunity on Chris Evans’ breakfast show on Radio 2 for example attracts a weekly audience of 9.43 million. Radio 4’s Today Programme reaches 7.15 million, but more importantly its analysis sets the news agenda for the day. Listening figures like these are clearly going to help you or your client reach your KPIs and even if it is a service you outsource, it is still possible to make money.

We all agree broadcast is influential, wide reaching and high profile, but how do you achieve it? There are many different elements that you could include in a new business broadcast proposal but some key ones are:

  • Television
  • Radio
  • Online video placement
  • Video production in particular B-roll
  • Media training and technical services like live streaming and outside broadcasts for radio and TV.

More on B-roll in one of our previous blogs;

How can B-roll make or break a TV campaign?

By radio what do we mean by this? Otherwise known as radio days, studio tours and radio media relations. Typically it is coverage on regional, national, BBC and commercial radio stations and your client should expect around 15 interviews, 1-2 of which are likely to be national.


TV can be hugely cost effective, influential and far reaching but is logistically more tricky than radio. Spokespeople need to be willing to physically go into a studio or travel to Manchester for opportunities like BBC Breakfast. TV broadcast coverage is difficult to secure and isn’t confirmed until it goes out on air which does require a client to hold their nerve.


Some questions to ask a potential client are:

  • Who is their target audience?
  • What are their top 3 key messages?
  • Who are their spokespeople?
  • Do they have a broadcast wish list?
  • What is their budget?


Clients are often scared of spending a considerable amount of budget on broadcast services because it is perceived as high risk and they’re worried they won’t get anything in return.


Obviously this is going to sound like an advert but as an agency we try to put ourselves in your shoes and to mitigate the risk. We guarantee our radio and online coverage and offer a pay by results service for TV. Production too focusses on ensuring the client is very satisfied with the final film . Our policy is to offer two rounds of video approvals.


Clients are also worried about having to actually be on mic or camera and be interviewed by a broadcaster. With training it is never as scary as it first seems and best practice is to also allocate budget for a third party spokesperson. Realistically you’re looking at around a thousand pounds minimum for a psychologist up to the sky really is the limit for a celebrity. The advantage of a third party is that it takes the commercial sting out of the story and allows messaging to be communicated in a more subtle way.

More on media training from one of our previous blogs;

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