Tips, thoughts and the latest happenings in broadcast PR and general PR.   The Shout! Communications’ blog keeps our followers up-to-date about what’s happening on television, online and on radio.

21. Jul 2014

Recognise this scenario? You’ve come up with a cracking campaign idea, you’ve got the perfect spokesperson, coverage has been going well, but your video isn’t delivering.

14. Jul 2014

As most PR professionals know, getting a story placed on television, radio or online often takes a lot of effort.

7. Jul 2014

Broadcast PR can result in some fantastic results for brands, companies and organisations – but competition for air time is tight and opportunities are hard won.

30. Jun 2014

The World Cup, Wimbledon and Glastonbury…there’ve been plenty of distractions recently to stop you pondering on the rest of the year.

23. Jun 2014

We all know that working in communications doesn’t mean working 9 till 5, but no one wants to be in the office any longer than necessary – especially during these lovely summer evenings.

16. Jun 2014

Even though many companies are set to increase their PR budgets this year, a number are still having to make do with a smaller PR investment – but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a great return from your broadcast PR activities.

9. Jun 2014

If you’re new to the PR video game and don’t have a clue where to begin, don’t fret.

2. Jun 2014

The concept is sometimes overused by the PR industry, but good surveys still work well as a means to generate “news” and secure broadcast PR coverage, particularly on radio.

27. May 2014

Think about the last corporate video you watched. Were you gripped to your seat, engaged and entertained or did you turn it off half way through because – to be frank – it was pretty dull?