Tips, thoughts and the latest happenings in broadcast PR and general PR.   The Shout! Communications’ blog keeps our followers up-to-date about what’s happening on television, online and on radio.

10. Nov 2020

A friendly, warm tone with people who know what they’re talking about…..that’s how producer Poppy Bullard described the radio station that employs her, Times Radio. Poppy produces the mid-morning Matt Chorley show and was the speaker at our latest virtual Small Talk.

20. Oct 2020

Media training helps all levels of spokesperson to improve on their public speaking ability, interact with the media more effectively and ultimately make the best possible impression for future coverage opportunities on radio, TV or online. Whether preparing for a tough grilling on Radio 4’s Today program, or a sofa chat on The One Show, preparing ahead of any interviews with media training can prove invaluable to ensure that the coverage stays on message, gives your brand the best reputation and gets you invited back for future opportunities.

2. Oct 2020

The speakers at our latest virtual Small Talk were Group MD Steve Parkinson and Entertainment Content Director Jo Parkerson. As heard by Shout! Communications’ Joint MD, Keren Haynes.

24. Sep 2020

Never has there been a stronger argument for B-roll… illustrating a PR story, that is given to broadcasters free of charge and any copyright issues.

10. Sep 2020

It happened like this decades ago, now it seems commercial radio is undergoing a similar resurgence today.

4. Aug 2020

Big name guests, phone-ins and controversial conversation. Listening to LBC senior producer Thomas Danielian describe the station’s output, these are the characteristics of the now national station that most stand out.

broadcast PR
28. Jul 2020

Impossible to achieve, expensive and damned right scary…..broadcast PR is sometimes dismissed as being just too challenging. Yes, it does have its moments, but the results far outweigh the effort of getting them.

national television
6. Jul 2020

PR budgets probably haven’t been squeezed as much as this since the 2008/9 recession. And with the future marked with more uncertainty, how do you make sure you get as much bang for your buck as possible?

PR podcasts
24. Jun 2020

There is no stopping the current popularity of podcasts. It’s estimated that more than 7 million people in the UK regularly listen to podcasts each week- that’s around 1 in 8 of us.