Blog Post

3 time saving tips for better PR video production


Visual and audio

Consider your visual and audio requirements – avoid wasting hours in post-production trying to fix issues retroactively by getting it right during filming. You might have identified who you want to film, but where are you going to film them? Consider what will be in shot behind your spokesperson and also how they should style themselves.

If you’re using lights or it’s a sunny day, it’s likely to get quite hot during filming – so make sure you have powder on hand to fix any shine. You may feel awkward telling your spokesperson that they need a little powder, but you will feel much more awkward if they look sweaty and shiny in the final footage.

If you recce the filming location make sure you really listen for any background noises. Sounds which you may not notice day-to-day, such as aeroplanes flying overhead, or air conditioning hums can prove very distracting when amplified by a microphone, so it’s better to be aware of these in advance so you can change location or use different equipment in order to minimise background noise.

When making a series of videos for NHS Choices we filmed on location with real clinicians and often had to work around the background noise that occurs in environments such as children’s centres or doctors’ surgeries. Using directional mics and by turning off electrical machinery we eliminated any distracting sounds so they weren’t audible in the finished video. Take a look at the final product below:

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