We can help you find the perfect celebrity or third-party to be your brand ambassador.
Without doubt, using a third party or celebrity as a brand ambassador will significantly increase coverage for a radio or television campaign, by making a story seem less commercial.
Psychologists, life coaches, academics, reality TV stars, on-screen presenters, famous chefs and more….The media relations team at Shout! Communications has an abundance of contacts to suit every campaign and budget.
A third-party spokesperson elevates a story to another level, but you have to pick the right one. They need to be relevant to the campaign for a start. Broadcasters will quickly detect if a celebrity has only got involved with a story because they want the publicity for themselves. So, if they’re speaking on behalf of a cancer charity for example, they need to have some personal link; they might not have suffered from the disease themselves, but perhaps a family member has.
It’s often the case that the third-party spokesperson DOES have something to promote themselves; obviously there is always a deal to be struck with broadcasters and that’s our job. We will agree with broadcasters that a brand ambassador CAN talk about their latest tour or book etc as long as they touch on the story we are promoting too. It’s all about finding a balance.

Most importantly we recognise which potential spokespeople are favoured (or not) by broadcasters and we can source and brief them for you.
We can also help you with the contract, recommending details to be included regarding timings and branding – to ensure you get as much value as possible from any third party you hire. Some of our recommendations include:
- Ensuring they haven’t been involved in any other PR campaign in the month leading up to your story. No matter how popular the spokesperson, if they’ve been on a station two weeks before no producer will want to invite them back so quickly.
- Putting a potentially early start into the contract – from 0700 is realistic for some campaigns. The earlier in the day the interviews are offered the more likely the coverage. You don’t want to miss out because your spokesperson didn’t want to start until 1000!
- Being potentially available for a pre-recorded interview the afternoon before the embargoed date/time. Some broadcasters like to get a story in the bag then broadcast it in time for breakfast.
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