Institute of Health Visiting

Shout! produced two dramatic films showing good and bad examples of health workers dealing with sensitive issues. The films were used as part of training packs by the Institute of Health Visiting.

The Project

Shout! have worked on two film and edit projects with the Institute of Health Visiting (IHV) to create long-form dramatic training videos that are used as part of training packs to teach health professionals about dealing with sensitive subjects.

The videos have covered the subjects of post-natal depression and domestic abuse and feature actresses performing a script in a home environment.

What We Did
  • Secured location, props and managed pre-production, the filming day and post-production
  • Filmed scenarios
  • Edited and delivered in a format suitable to use with the IHV’s training pack

We had limited time in which to film and edit the video, which had to be turned round incredibly quickly in order to be ready to embed in a training pack that the client was producing.

We were highly organised and flexible on the day in order to adjust the script as necessary to achieve the amount of filming necessary.


The video was produced and delivered on time, while still maintaining Shout!’s high production values. The client has become a repeat customer, and we look forward to working together again in the future. The videos are used as training tools by health professionals, and will continue to be used on an ongoing basis by health visitors and the IHV.

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