Blog Post

Podcasts, The Basics


Preparation, Preparation, Preparation!

The best podcast productions have a plan which starts with the basics.
All too often clients get carried away with the concept, the ‘talent’ and the cost rather than who is it aimed at? What do you want your listeners to get out of it?

It doesn’t always have to be an all singing all dancing mega production. Sometimes simplicity is just as affective.

The most important thing to remember is that people are giving up their time to listen to your podcast.

The average listen is 43 minutes. To keep your audience engaged for this amount of time you need a lot of content. One presenter interviewing a single guest for the whole episode is a big ask. Both would need to be FAB.

Better to mix it up and break it up with a variety of guests, sound effects and musical punctuation (stings)

Things That Work

Recording your podcast

Attracting Attention

Hosting Your Podcast

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