Blog Post

A Perfect Story For Broadcast PR

Obtaining widespread media coverage is the goal of any broadcast PR campaign. That said, some stories tend to land better than others. Three national TV placements, three pieces of regional TV and over 20 radio interviews is pretty spectacular though, for a self-published book about a knitting craze!

Producers love quirky broadcast PR stories

Talkability is important

Broadcasters love media relations campaigns that spark conversations between on-air teams and audiences. As a nation, we enjoy nothing more than highlighting our Britishness and what could be more British than knitting hats for letterboxes? Throw in some cucumber sandwiches with a cup of earl grey, and the stiff upper lip would have a field day. Plus, in a digital world where audiences now consume online content almost as much as traditional methods, broadcasters are focused on utilising social media platforms to drive audience engagement. The bold and colourful pictures that accompanied this broadcast PR story made it very easy for them to achieve this and allowed for successful TV media relations opportunities with Channel 5 and ITV animating them on screen.

Regional Interest

Lockdown Letterboxes features creative designs from individuals across the country, so we made sure to offer out regional case studies to radio & TV stations. In an era where there is so much competition from rival broadcasters and platforms, regional broadcast teams need to utilise their local USP as much as possible. By offering the case studies and making local spokespeople readily available, we made this broadcast PR campaign appeal to a broad range of broadcasters, whilst taking the hard work out of sourcing guests. With great local content available so easily, how could they resist?

A great spokesperson is the broadcaster’s dream

Our leading spokesperson for the campaign was Belinda Goldsmith, the author of Lockdown Letterboxes. Belinda is just the kind of spokesperson that broadcasters love. She’s a great communicator with a clear and articulate voice. She was also able to explain the who, what, where and why of the story succinctly, whilst delivering the key messages in a personable and relatable way. This helps broadcasters create great content rather than a perception of sales messaging.

Radio and television coverage

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