Blog Post

3 top gadgets to use in a PR video

As Shout’s videographer I love using different gadgets and equipment to make our video productions stand out from the crowd. In this blog I will look at three of my favourites….

The slider

The slider is a really versatile piece of equipment which enables you to make smooth tracking shots which really enhance the production value of your video.


(an example of a tracking shot)

Tracking shots are used in Hollywood productions and traditionally were made using a piece of expensive and bulky equipment known as a dolly. Advancements in technology mean that cameras are now smaller and lighter which means grip equipment such the slider could be created.


Due to its small size and weight the slider can be placed pretty much anywhere that has a flat surface. It is also easy to set up and carry which is great for adding some production value to a hectic shoot such as an event film.


Personally I like to use the slider to make my establishing shots more interesting, starting the shot behind an object then slowly moving along the track to reveal the location that I am establishing.


If you are using 2 cameras for an interview the slider can also add some flair to your wide shot.

The jib

Intervalometer for timelapse

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